Sandy Griffis, Executive Director of the Yavapai County Contractors Association, explained to us the functions of the 400-member YCCA, and offered her assistance to any of our members who are seeking a licensed contractor to provide any kind of service in the construction industry. She emphasized the fact that, if work is done improperly, or does not get performed as contracted, a person has means of obtaining refunds and getting the work completed. However, there is no recourse if you employ someone other than a licensed contractor. Over the many years she has led the Contractors Association, she has prided herself in becoming “one of the boys,” by gaining a much first-hand knowledge of all of the trades as possible. On Wednesday Sandy was dressed for a planned experience that day to learn more about sand and gravel mining.
Creating Awareness and Response
Some of the best projects of Rotary clubs are in response to needs Rotarians have observe in their communities, or when traveling in other parts of the world. Becoming aware of the need, a Rotarian says, “As Rotarians, we should be able to do something about that,” and another great Rotary project is born to meet a recognized need.
UPDATE ON STELLA: Please keep Stella Ortiz, our Club Secretary and International Service Director, in your thoughts and prayers. For the past couple of months Stella has been living through an ongoing medical nightmare. When a previously undetected serious infection was discovered in her knee, associated with a knee replacement she had done some years ago, it was determined that the knee replacement device must be removed, and a spacer inserted in its place, until all of the infection could be eliminated, before inserting a second knee replacement — with the procedures all being done by specialists in CA. Complications have occurred at every stage of the process, requiring multiple hospitalizations. The latest was caused by a horrible reaction to one of the antibiotics being used to fight the infection — all now delaying by at least another 4-5 weeks the planned second knee replacement. Having just been released from this latest hospitalization, but in a weakened condition and dealing with a painful rash all over her body, Stella is at least temporarily back at home, recovering from this latest round of setbacks. An encouraging card or phone call, to let her know that we care about her, would be appreciated.
Prescott Sunup Rotary Club started offering rubber duck adoptions last Wednesday for our Duck Derby, which will splash down on Sunday, May 5 from 10 3 p.m. at Watson Lake's South Boat Ramp. The duck race will be held at noon, complemented by food trucks, fun games and face painting. Prescott Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Sheri Heiney showed her support for the fundraiser by officially adopting the first rubber duck during a ceremony this morning at the Chamber.
The Sunup Rotary Duck Derby will feature 5,000 rubber ducks, each marked with a unique number, which will hit the water and race in multiple heats following a big duck drop. Folks are invited to visit to adopt a Lucky Duck for $5, a Quack Pack of six ducks for $30, The Whole Raft of 10 ducks for $50 or The Fly Over of 20 ducks for $100, for a chance to win cash and prizes. Adoption forms, including a QR Code, will also be available at adoption events and select businesses.
"I applaud Sunup Rotary for bringing this family-friendly event to Prescott," said Heiney. "We'll have duck adoption forms in our Visitor Information Center starting next week as will many of our over 1,000 Chamber members, and I encourage everyone to follow my lead and adopt a duck for a good cause."
TIM SAYS: It's that time, again, for Sunup Rotary Snack Shack! At this time we're open for Opening Ceremonies (March 23) and Tuesdays and Thursdays into May for Little League Majors.
RICHARD IS REMINDING US that March is our club's quarterly Canned & Packaged Food Drive to feed hungry students, by helping to stock the shelves of the Yavapai College's Food Bank. Don't forget to bring your donated food items to our Rotary meetings during March. Richard will transport them to the college.
The selections of the members of this year's Interact Ambassadors Teams have been made, from the applications received from across our Rotary district. Selected from Prescott High School's Interact Club to serve on the Ambassadors to Mexico Team is Kadynce Brewer, a Junior. Selected to serve on the Ambassadors to Kenya Team is Sophia Brown, also a Junior. We are also extremely proud to announce that leading the Ambassadors to Mexico Team this year, along with two associate team Advisors, will be our own Cathleen Cherry, Faculty Advisor to our PHS Interact Club. Congratulations to these who will be representing our Sunup Rotary Club and our Interact and Rotary Districts this summer with this international leadership training and service program, which has become a greatly-admired worldwide model.
There on the window sill was a little boy and his cat.
The boy's mother came to see what they were doing, and she heard the little boy preaching God's word to his cat. So she went about her chores.
Later she heard the cat fussing, so she went to see what was going on. The little boy had the cat in their kitchen sink full of water. The mother told him that cats don't like water. The boy sharply replied, "She should've thought of that before she joined the church!" __
~ A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road.
~ There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 of them live in Texas
~ There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 of them live in Texas .
~ If it grows, it'll stick ya. If it crawls, it'll bite cha.
~ There is no such thing as lunch. There is only dinner and then there is supper.
~ Iced tea is appropriate for all meals, and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar.
~ "Backwards and forwards" means "I know everything about you."
~ The word 'jeet' is actually a phrase meaning, 'Did you eat?'
~ You measure distance in minutes.
~ You switch from heat to A/C in the same day.
~ You only own five spices: salt, pepper, Texas Pete, Tabasco, and Ketchup.
~ You know all four seasons: Almost summer, summer, still summer, and Christmas.
~ Fried catfish is the other white meat. __
Try resistance training...refuse to go to the gym.
We all became Rotarians for various reasons, but likely one of the biggest reasons was to be of service to others. This is service high season!
Lots of activities going on- from Duck Derby to canned food drives to Snack Shack! There's a lot to be done, and different ways to engage. We need everyone to be involved!
If you're like me, you'll be doing something in all of these- in some way, shape or form!
If you're excited about buying & selling ducks, buy & sell them! If you have a bunch of canned food on the shelf, bring it in! If you want to volunteer to collect canned food, then sign up for a shift in April! If you want to support young local families at the ballfield, then sign up for Snack Shack!
If you're not sure how you can best serve, just ask! There's no shortage of opportunities and something for everyone to do! What would you most like to do? None of us are mind readers, so please feel free to share!
And if you want a quick refresher on how to use the electronic sign up, just ask! We're all a team- let's work together like one & hit some home runs with these activities!
Help Spread Sunshine: If you currently know any Rotary members who are going through challenging times or if you'd like to volunteer to make calls and send cards to members and their families during sickness, hospitalization or loss, contact Laura Vanderberg <>