Rotary's award-winning float in the 2025 Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA
After three weeks withour a regular club meeting, due to our annual Holiday Dinner Party and, with both Christmas and New Years falling on Wednesdays, this week we will be "back on the Rotary road" with a meeting that will focus on our annual "Let's Make A Deal" support of The Rotary Foundation.
The theme this year of our Rotary float in the Tournament of Roses Parade was "On the Road with Rotary."  Our float was the winner of the Tournament Volunteer Trophy
How much did this float cost Rotary?  The answer is "nothing."  The construction and entry of Rotary's float in the Rose Parade each year is an entirely volunteer effort on the part of Rotarians who contribute their time and resources, because they believe it is important for Rotary and its work to be viewed every year by both the thousands who personally witness the parade, and by the millions of viewers around the world who watch the parade on television.  How long has this been going on?  See below.
Here is Rotary's first float, which appeared in the 1923 Tournament of Roses Parade, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Pasadena, CA.  They didn't have all of the rules back then, about entries in the parade now having to be covered entirely by colorful flowers or seeds; but rest assured that Rotary was in it way back then — 102 years ago.  Sporting all of those Rotary logo gear wheels, there was no mistake about who this float represented! 
Rotary Action Groups (RAGS)

Rotary Action Groups are independent entities affiliated with Rotary that each have a specific humanitarian focus, such as economic development, peacebuilding, addiction prevention, ending modern slavery, or environmental sustainability.

Organized by Rotary members and nonmembers, the groups include people around the world who have knowledge, experience, or an interest in the topic. Action group members participate in meaningful service activities and use their expertise and global networks to facilitate sustainable change.

By offering Rotary clubs and districts professional knowledge, advice about partners and funding, and guidance on the best practices and project management strategies, action groups help Rotary members plan and implement large-scale projects that make an even greater impact on critical issues in communities near and far.

Water, sanitation, and hygiene

Water, sanitation, and hygiene

There are currently more than 37,500 Rotary Action Group Members in 150 countries.
Bob Ticer has announced that the first meeting of our PV Satellite Rotary Club will be happening on Tuesday, January 14, at 4:30 p.m., at the Elks Lodge, 6245 E. Second Street, Prescott Valley 86314
Help us spread the word about this new Rotary club, which is being formed as a satellite of our Sunup Rotary Club.  Our goal is to bring in 25 new members, in order to officially charter this club as its own Prescott Valley Rotary Club.  Consider inviting someone you know who lives in Prescott Valley, and plan to attend this meeting with that person as your guest. 
Next meeting for SunUp Rotary Family Fest at Touchmark will be
TUESDAY, JANUARY 7th at 5:30 p.m. It will be held at the Finn.
If you have not already signed up for a committee, please contact Tiffany and Emmett Jones, our Co-Chairs of this June event. 
(Email address :
We need ALL members to participate to make this a success. 
Please attend the meeting and share your ideas. See you there. 
JUST ANNOUNCED:  For those who register before January 3, you will be entered into a drawing that will reinburseyour conference registration fee of $250, get your Friday and Saturday night vroom comped (value $258) and receive a casino credit of $50, a total value of $5598.  There will be one drawing for every 50 registrations.
Many sailors agree that the best part of owning a boat is naming it. If you’re looking for a moniker, here are suggestions from the National Boat Owners Association.
· A Wave From It All
· Sail la Vie
· Seas the Day
· Fishizzle
· Lady Kriller
· Marlin Monroe
· Tuna Colada
· Baits Motel
If only vegetables
smelled as good as bacon!
Milk is the fasted liquid on earth:
It’s pasteurize before you see it.
Autopsy Club Party here this Saturday.
Open Mike Night.
I needed my pants hemmed quickly,
So I called Taylor Swift.

My ducks absolutely are not in a row…
I don’t even know where some of them are…
And I’m quite certain one is a pigeon.
The opposite of wrinkly.