Mayor Phil Goode led off the program dealing with Prop 478 by explaining that the implementation of a 0.95% sales tax increase is essential to provide necessary police and fire protection of our residents. We have fallen behind on construction of needed fire station, the modernization of those we have, and the addition of a badly-needed police evidence storage facility.  Police and Fire are understaffed, retention is low; and new facilities are needed, while old ones must be brought up to current standards.  Fire Department 911 calls have increased by nearly 200% over the past 30 years, and emergency response times now are averaging more than 11 minutes, which is unacceptable..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Mayor Pro Tem Connie Cantelme assured us that the Council has put in place guarantees to assure that all of the funds raised from this sales tax increase will be used for upgrading our Fire and Police services.  She noted that 70% of the tax amount being raised will actually wind up being paid by visitors to our city.  Both she and the Mayor told us we are having to play "catch-up," due to the dropping in 2019 of fees which had been associated with new construction, intended to pay for police and fire services for the increasing number of residents and businesses in the city, due to that construction.  In 10 years, 0.20% of the increase will sunset, and the remaining 0.75% will remain in place to meet future safety needs. 
Fire Chief Holger Durre described the deteriorating condition of our current fire stations, and informed us that the modernization of those stations, along with the relocation of one of them, plus the conrtruction of two new fire stations are badly needed to enable his department serve the current population in an effective and timely manner. 
Rotary's 7 Areas of Focus for Global Grants
PDG Don Schiller has a new email address:  
Please update this in your club member contacts.
President’s Choice Event for Bundles of Love Diaper Drive 
Wednesday, September 18th at the Hassayampa Inn in the Arizona Room
Meeting will begin promptly at 5:00 p.m. We will be wrapping and giving our diaper stacks to Lori for Bundles with Love. 
Appetizers as well as Cash Bar will be provided. 
Please RSVP to, so we can get a rough idea how many will be in attendance. This will help in the planning process for the evening’s event 
Such a great success !! Over 3, 000 diapers donated. Come celebrate. 
Marsha Teller
Community Service Coordinator 
SunUp Rotary 
Prescott High School Interact members in attendance at last week's meeting.
PHS Interact Club has four standing committees.  During last week's meeting, club members were enabled to sign up for their choice of the coimmittee on which they preferred to serve this year.  President Sophia Brown is monitoring the process and answering members' questions.
Beware of a new Amazon scam.
My husband ordered some expensive jewelry for me.
However, motorcycle parts came instead.
Thankfully, they fit his bike.
The early bird gets the worm.
The second mouse gets the cheese.
Before we work on artificial intelligence
Why don’t we work on natural stupidity?
If a cow doesn’t produce milk —
Is it a Milk Dud or an udder failure?
Being cremated is my last hope
for a smoking hot body.
Young enough to know I can,
Old enough to know I shouldn’t,
Stupid enough to go ahead and do it.
The older I get
The better I was.
If you suck at playing the trumpet,
That’s probably why.
Just once, I want a username and password prompt to say CLOSE ENOUGH.