Prescott Interact Ambassadors Report on Their Service
PHS Interact Ambassador to Kenya Sophia Brown said her team's time in Kenya was split into two segments, with the first week spent at the Prescott College Dopoi  Center in the Maasai Mara, and the second week in Naivasha, working with the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Naivasha. She said they learned so much about the Maasai tribe, spending much time with the Maasai people and their elders, along with visiting their schools and working with the children, she felt they truly became part of the Maasai tribe, with each of them even being given Maasai names,  Their team had brought some school supplies with them, but saw the need for so much more.  She said, "We handed out pencils, and I have never seen a student so joyful as when receiving a brand new pencil.  Every little thing we take for granted is something that they value above all." 
During their second week, spent in Naivasha, they joined with the Rotary and Rotaract clubs to help distribute some of the mobility devices which Arizona Interact clubs had collected and shipped to Kenya.  She said, "We got to see firsthand the impact these devices can make on someone's life, like allowing somebody to gain back their dignity and independence, after no longer having to be carried everywhere."
PHS Interact Ambassador to Mexico Kadynce Brewer also shared witrh us how impactful her team's experience was, being able to work with the amazing ALEM wheelchair team of trained wheelchair mechanics, as they repaired and rebuilt wheelchairs for the disabled poor in central Mexico. 
District Interact Chair Art Harrington, Interact Ambassadors Sophia Brown and Kadynce Brewer, PHS Interact Advisor Cathleen Cherry, who served as the Team Leader of this year's Interact Ambassadors tri Mexico Team, and Pres. Christy Manning,
Interact Ambassador Sophia presenting a Naivasha Rotary Club banner to Pres. Christy Manning

Enhancing Rotary's Public Image in Arizona
For the past several years, Stephen Phair, a member of the Sun Lakes Rotary Club, has been working on a unique way to help raise awareness about Rotary in Arizona by getting approval for a special Rotary license plate, which Rotarians could order and display on their vehicles.  It has taken time, and a lot of work on his part, but it has finally happened.  Any of us who would like to have one, can now order one of these new Rotary license places from the Motor Vehicle Division of the Arizona Department of Transportation.   The plates can be ordered online from the AZ MVD Now website.

What does it cost?  There is a $25 initial application fee and a $25 annual renewal. No special requirements. Available to everyone. The standard size plate may be personalized with a maximum of 6 characters. 

Also available is a small size plate for motorcycles and golf carts. This smaller plate may be personalized with a maximum of 4 characters.

Rotary International License Plate Image Motorcycle

Also available with a disability symbol. License Plate Disability Symbol

Here is the super-neat aspect of this deal:  ADOT says $17 dollars of the $25 fee goes to support the Rotary Clubs of Arizona and their projects.

Bundles of Love Diaper Drive
Marsha Teller, our Community Service Chair, is calling for Bundles of Diapers.  Last week we told you there is a critical need for diapers and pull-ups in Larger size diapers, 5T and 6T, and Pull-up diapers, sizes 4-6.  For each box of diapers, or a $20 donation to the project, you will receive one raffle ticket for what Pres. Christy says is a great prize.
REMINDER:  The Healing fields Flag Installation in Prescott Valley on  the Civic Center lawn will be happening at 6:45 a.m. on Friday, September 6.
Prescott High School Interact 
Pictured above are some of the supplies collected by our PHS Interact Club and the Student Council, which are destined for school kids in Kenya and Mexico.  The club has had a very successsful drive, with generous donations by PHS students and their families, plus a large donation from the Salvation Army,  These school suppplies will be carried and delivered by our next Interact Ambassadors teams, traveling next summer to Kenya and Mexico.
Pastor Dan Storvick, from the Prescot Frontier Rotary Club, made his annual promise to personally contribute to Sunup Rotary $5 for every ticket purchased by a Sunup Rotarian for his club's Grapes 4 Good 18th Annual Auction & Wine Tasting fundraising event.  This popular "Garden Party" is being held at Watters Garden Center on Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024, from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.  Tickets are $80 each.  Many different wines will be available, along with local micro-brews, to taste.  Culinary delights will be provided by El Gato Azul / Torma.  There will be live and silent auctions and raffles, along with Live Musical Entertainment.
Ever stop to think . . . . and forget to start again?
He who laughs last thinks the slowest.
Is it fair that only ONE company makes the game Monopoly?
I was going to give him a nasty look, but he already had one.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine or a pay-phone.
I was going to wear my camouflage shirt today, but I couldn't find it.
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is definitely NOT for you !
If tomatoes are technically a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie?
A stream and a river were discussing estuarial ideas.
Stream says to the river, “My sediments exactly!”
Don’t tell secrets in your garden.
The potatoes have eyes.
The corn has ears.
And the beanstalk.
If by "crunches" you mean the sound bacon makes when you eat it, then yes, I do crunches.


Meeting Wednesday @ 6:30 am
The Hassayampa Inn
Speaker: Bon Ticer
Prescott Valley Police Chief
The Prez Says
Christy Manning
Can you believe it’s already the last week of August?  Time truly flies by quickly.  Reflecting on last week’s program with our Interact Ambassadors, I am filled with inspiration.  These young leaders embody the values we hold dear as Rotarians, showcasing the impact of our collective efforts.
Our club’s support for interact projects in Mexico and Kenya exemplifies our commitment to making a global difference.  The initiatives we back not only uplift communities but also provide these youth with the tools and experiences needed to lead with compassion and vision.  Seeing their dedication reminds us of the powerful ripple effect of our contributions and reinforces why we strive to give our best.
Together we are truly making a difference.
Aug 28, 2024
Prescott Valley Police Chief
Sep 25, 2024
LASER Rescue
View entire list
Meeting Assignments
August 7
Brown, Joe
Sheridan, A.J.
Beyer, Dan
White, Jane
Thought for the Day
Clancy, Todd
Shimizu, Jane Anne
Setup/Takedown Crew
Hernandez, Richard
August 14
Jones, Tiffany
Vanderberg, Laura
Stewart, John
Doherty, Lisa
Thought for the Day
Jones, Emmett
Sgt At Arms
Beyer, Dan
Setup/Takedown Crew
Shimizu, Jane Anne
August 21
Jones, Emmett
Stauffer, Cassidy
Wiederaenders, Timothy
Van Bourgondien, Sarah
Thought for the Day
Sheridan, A.J.
Sgt At Arms
Greenlee, Matt
Setup/Takedown Crew
Keys, Bob
August 28
White, Jane
Sheridan, A.J.
Hernandez, Richard
White, Jane
Thought for the Day
Vanderberg, Laura
Sgt At Arms
Chester, Eric
Setup/Takedown Crew
Clancy, Todd
Upcoming Events
Planning Meeting for Duck Fest: Touchmark at the Ranch
Touchmark at the Ranch
Aug 28, 2024 8:00 AM
Healing Fields Flag Installation
Prescott Civic Center Center Lawn
Sep 06, 2024 6:45 AM
Program Committee Meeting
Waffles & More
Sep 10, 2024 7:00 AM
President’s Choice: Diaper Drive Fundraiser
Hassayampa Inn
Sep 18, 2024 5:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Hassayampa Yavapai Room (Basement)
Sep 19, 2024 4:00 PM
Program Committee Meeting
Waffles & More
Oct 08, 2024 7:00 AM
Board of Directors Meeting
Hassayampa Yavapai Room (Basement)
Oct 17, 2024 4:00 PM
View entire list
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Community Service
Vocational Services
Club Service
International Service
Foundation Vice President
Foundation Treasurer
Foundation Secretary
Foundation President
Youth Service
Director of Communications
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 Help Spread Sunshine:  If you currently know any Rotary members who are going through challenging times or if you'd like to volunteer to make calls and send cards to members and their families during sickness, hospitalization or loss, contact Laura Vanderberg <>