While we faithfully recite Rotary's Four-Way Test at the beginning of every club meeting, how does it actually work in real life, as an ethical test of all that we think, say and do? Tim Wiederaenders reminded us that the 4-Way Test was devised by Herbert Taylor, one of Rotary International's Past Presidents, as a method he devised to use with his employees to save his sinking company during the Great Depression. It worked. He turned around and saved his company. and this ethical guide was later adopted by Rotary, to guide all of our members around the world in our decision-making. It is also taught in all of our Rotary Youth Services programs. Tim and Art created some real-life scenarios, which were distributed to each table during our Rotary meeting last week. The members were challenged to work, as roundtable groups, to come up with a consensus solution to the problem presented in each scenario. Then the tables were polled to share their recommended solution to each of the five scenarios. It was admitted that the added 5th test of "Have Fun," doessn't usually fit as an ethical criteria for making decisions (which can often be difficult and costly), unless it means being happy, and feeling good and self-satisfied, about having made the best and most beneficial decision. However, it was pointed out that the tables did all "Have Fun," working through the scenarios, and coming up with their ethical solutions. CLUB SERVICE Club Membership Chair, Sarah Van Bourgondien, was especialy happy at last week's meeting to welcome Parshalla Wood back into Active Member staus. After many years of service in our club, including being our Club President, due to family responsibilities a couple of years ago, Par was unable to continue as an Active member. Our club board at that time, in appreciation of her years of service, approved making her an Honorary Member. She says she has missed actively being a part of the club, and she decided it was time to get back into the action. Welcome back, Par! You have always been a valued member of our club. We also celebrated in grand style Ives Devos' birthday. Helping to make it special, Ives had with him, as his guests, a member of his Rotary club in Belgium, along with his son, who is a leader there in the Rotaract club. Due to illness, this week's Sunup Family Fest at Touchmark on Tuesday is CANCELLED. COMMUNITY SERVICE Our Sunup Rotary group delivering the Holiday Gift Bags to Mayer School for the high school age homeless students. Santa Emmett Jones with Tiffany delivering Christmas cheer in Mayer. YOUTH SERVICE Prescott High Interact encourages you to DISTRICT NEWS Colleen Coons Named 2027-28 District 5495 Governor After retiring from a 29-year career as a director at UPS in 2021, Colleen joined the Rotary Club of Mesa West in June 2019. Colleen is the immediate Past President (2023/24) of the Rotary Club of Mesa West. Winslow Rotary Club Awards 8 Paul Harris Fellows PDG Art Harrington, along with District Rotary Foundation Chair Tom McClarty, were on hand to present eight (8) Paul Harris Fellow recognitions to members of the Winslow Rotary Club last Wednesday. This Rotary club will celebrate, in January, 102 years of continuous service to that community. Winslow Rotary also happens to be Art's first Rotary club. (No, he wasn't one of the charter members.) How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life? - When the rabbit, who is always jumping, only lives for around 2 years
- When the turtle, that doesn’t exercise at all, lives over 200 years
So –- rest, chill, eat, drink, and enjoy life! — I, too, was once a male trapped in a female body …. But then my mother gave birth. __ Some people are wise. Some are otherwise. __ Got a flat tire yesterday. There was a fork in the road. __ The love triangle . . . Soon turned into a wrecktangle. __ Remember to be careful when it’s raining cats & dogs outside You might step in a poodle. __ It's weird Being the same age as old people __. |